live, march, dream

unwinding what we expect in life. a journey before another life.

Slow and Steady by Sleeping at Last


You carved our initials
Into these family trees.
But when the branches are bare and broken,
Love is so hard to reach.

We’ve learned to brace for the worst
And to read the last pages first,
Surrender feels safe.

Maybe the soul is the soil that holds the fallen seed,
Or the light pouring down in between the rain clouds,
Daring life to reach;
Or maybe it’s the rings in the trunk of the tree,
A birthmark time will leave
To measure the past.

But we can’t dream when we’re wide awake
Or fall in love with a heart too strong to break.

Faith is expensive to taste,
And time is borrowed loose change
That’s already been spent.

Maybe the soul is the tone of voice
That unearthed the words that we needed…

Maybe the soul is a suitcase that holds the backup plan –
A collection of keys and the patience we need
To start again.
Maybe it’s the thresholds that swallow us whole
As we learn to let go,
In spite of the dirt on our clothes

Summary – όνειρα, το πάθος, τη σοφία

Summary – όνειρα, το πάθος, τη σοφία.


The language “όνειρα, το πάθος, τη σοφία” means dreams, passion, wisdom. It’s written in Greek. For some reason I chose  Greek language as it is known that most philosophers were Greek. All the 3 words, in my personal opinion and based on my so called 25 years life are connected each other. In my previous […]

Pari Island Dive Trip – Recent

I went on a weekend trip last month in Pari Island, 45 minutes from Jakarta. Moderate visibility but decent enough to quench my thirst for another underwater experience (which, I think I still I can never have enough of it :p). Here is the youtube link to share. It’s really my first premiere video. So it’s a rookie one, which I hope everyone can enjoy.

Dive Safe!


Salt of the Sea: Ray: A Life Underwater

One word…. Inspiring ….


Meet Ray Ives, who has been diving into the sea since 1965. For many years he was a professional diver working for salvage and oil companies. Now he devotes his time to underwater exploring and treasure seeking. He has a wonderful collection of things pulled from beneath the waters, some of it valuable, all of it precious to him. He speaks of the lure of glittering metal that keeps one digging until the very last breath of air is in the line. “Everybody wants gold and a mermaid.” Now he is retired and has all he wants, the sea, his collection, a modest boat for fishing, diving, and taking the young ladies out for a “look ’round”, and enough money for “ice cream once a week and a pint of beer.” What a delightful modern day pirate! This short film by Danny Cooke, Ray: A Life Underwater, will make…

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The Beauty of Diving – A Video

The Beauty of Diving – A Video

This is an inspirational video I got shared from a facebook page about diving, something that encourage me more to dive more, and find as much as possible about life more in a way broader sense. Watch, listen and feel.


I know that I might have been far way  beyond everybody else since the blogging era had started. The funny thing is that I have just encountered lately, examples, both are contradicting to each other, about why bother writing a blog? But again I asked myself, why not bother writing a blog? For any possible reasons, any writings are source of knowledge, experience, for which people can share and take into consideration before pre-deciding things in front of them. So here I am, making the first step in writing my blog. I personally thank someone I just met earlier this weekend in a public occasion, whom I think is, for me (at least) quite intricate and succeeded in making me unconsciously to make this blog. So, cheers for that…and here goes.